We live in the era of “Maya”. In Hinduism, Maya refers to the concept of illusion or that which exists, but is constantly changing and thus is considered not real in the ultimate sense of permanent existence. We live in the era of “Maya” -> we collect tweets (as bookmarks), articles (as read it later queues ), wishlists (in shopping apps, instagram), and watchlists (TV apps)! It truly is a bottomless collection that never ends! A someday queue that we may get to. When was the last time one checked these?
The ultimate top of the funnel vanity metric of life! Out of these how many truly matter? How many of them truly deserve to become “Intentions”? Intentions that we would truly focus all of our efforts and chisel something out of.
Off late I have found that being aware of these desires is a powerful thought. My coach used to say, that progress not only comes from addition but removing! I am reminded of my early days of coding and the concept of garbage collection (GC), which is an automatic memory management feature that aims to reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by a program. This process helps to prevent memory leaks, which occur when a program consumes memory but does not release it after it's no longer needed, potentially leading to a shortage of memory for other tasks and the degradation of system performance.
In our case, the shortage of memory is attention spans and the degradation is lack of focus. We sure need a garbage collector in our lives. If we built one what would it look like? Just something that has been on my mind.